Das Gamification Buchprojekt

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Roman Rackwitz

// Gamification Pioneer

// Founder

// Speaker

// Lecturer

// Supervisory Board

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Designing for Homo Sapiens & Ludens

Gamification ist Interaktionsdesign, das uns ermutigt, es mit Freude weiter zu versuchen.

Fun is a neuro-chemical reward to encourage us to keep trying.

Gamificationdesign bietet eine ausbalancierte Journey, die sich im Laufe der Zeit vor jemandem entfaltet, abhängig seiner Entscheidungen.

3 things that happen when we meet


Clear & logical communication of what Game Thinking is and when it fits.


Effective 'deep dive' in gamification, nudging & behavioral economics.


Usually at least one direct action that you can easily implement.

Für die, die etwas Zeit mitbringen:

Gamification NFTs
NFTs & Gamification

The role of NFTs for Gamification

NFTs offer us, as Gamification designers, a wonderful opportunity to assign an NFT as a personal ‚dashboard‘ to each user of the scenario pretty much no matter where or what we implement Gamification.

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Entrepreneurial activities

At your service.


Germany's reputable agency for Game Thinking & Gamification. Context-related application and individual solutions for organizations.


Software-as-a-Service to create and distribute and visualize personalized user journeys, from employees, customers and users, to increase their respective lifetime value.

CBO Media

Magazine for knowledge, cases, experiences and new insights for the - mostly still fictitious - Chief Behavioral Officer, as symbolic representative of a growing target group of behavioral economists.

Gamification.design HUB

Der Gamification.design HUB für alle, die umfangreiche und bewährte Inhalte rund um Gamification suchen. Hier finden Sie auch eine attraktive Communiuty von Gleichgesinnten und Expertenrat.



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