Masterclass in returns

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Roman Rackwitz

// Gamification Strategie

// Pionier

// Speaker

// Lecturer

// Supervisory Board

Designing for Homo Sapiens & Ludens

Gamification is interaction design that encourages us to keep trying with joy.

Fun is a neuro-chemical reward to encourage us to keep trying.

Gamification design offers a balanced journey that unfolds in front of someone over time, depending on their choices.

Sign up now to receive the 12-part email series about non-skinnerian gamification straight to your inbox.

Discover Non-Skinnerian Gamification: Your mini email course on Gamification for intrinsic motivation

3 things that happen when we meet


Clear & logical communication of what Game Thinking is and when it fits.


Effective 'deep dive' in gamification, nudging & behavioral economics.


Usually at least one direct action that you can easily implement.

For those who have some time to spare:

Smart Fuzzy goals
Behavioural economics

SMART goals are not the future

Warum unscharfe Ziele der wahre Schlüssel zur Innovation in einer AI-Welt sind Seit Jahren sind SMART Ziele – spezifische, messbare, erreichbare, relevante und zeitgebundene Ziele

Weiterlesen »

Entrepreneurial activities

At your service.


Germany's reputable agency for Game Thinking & Gamification. Context-related application and individual solutions for organizations.

Software-as-a-Service to create and distribute and visualize personalized user journeys, from employees, customers and users, to increase their respective lifetime value.

CBO Media

Publisher for knowledge, cases, experiences and new insights for the - mostly still fictitious - Chief Behavioural Officer. MAKE HUMAN NATURE LOUDER HUB

The HUB for anyone looking for comprehensive and proven content on gamification. Here you will also find an attractive community of like-minded people and expert advice.



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